Oldham Century Road Club : Rules and Conditions

Oldham Century Road Club

Amended 9th November 2001
Rules and Conditions of membership:
1. Membership of the club is conditional to the full understanding that the member takes part in club activities entirely at their own risk. The Oldham Century Road Club cannot be held responsible for any accident, loss or injury whatsoever arising during time of membership.
2. While representing the club members must conduct themselves in a responsible manner at all times.
3. Members who do not conform to club rules or in any way behave in such a manner as to be detrimental to the club may be subject to a disciplinary hearing of the committee.
4.(a) Only fully paid up members of the CTC (Cyclist Touring Club), BC (British Cycling) or any other cycling organisation offering third party insurance cover for cycling (with at least the equivalent level of cover and extent as the above named organizations) shall be eligible for membership of the Club.
(b) Proof of membership to an organization listed above will be required with application.
5.(a) Club membership will run from 1st November to 31st October. For new members, who join after 30th September, membership will be carried over to the following year.
(b) Categories of membership are senior, junior and under 12.
(c) Membership Fees are: Senior £10.00, Junior £5.00 and Under 12's £1.00.
(d) There is a surcharge of £2.00 for Seniors and £1.00 for Juniors for members who don't renew their membership before 31st December.
6. Membership of the club is open to all on the completion of an application form, which has been approved by the committee, and payment of one year's subscription.
7.(a) Any member of the Oldham Century Road Club who is required to join another club as a second claim rider of that club, must still race for the Oldham Century Road Club and in its official clothing.
(b) Any person wishing to join the Oldham Century Road Club as a second claim rider must still race for and in the clothing of their first claim club.
8. All Oldham Century Road Club members competing in 'UK open' cycle racing events, shall compete under the name of the Oldham Century Road Club and wear no other club or sponsor's clothing.
9. Members who wish to resign from the club must put the resignation in writing where they may request a release letter if required.
10. Provision is made for the rules of the club to be amended or added to by the members of the club at a general meeting by a majority vote of not less than two-thirds of those present.
11. A special general meeting shall be called by the secretary upon receipt of a request signed by at least ten members of the club or by the whole of the club if less than ten.
N.B. Members assistance may be required in helping the club in its promoting of events.